The Hand of God Ministries

"Putting the Word of God in the Hands of the People of God."


A place to learn and grow together

The Hand of God (THOG) Biblical Institute is  more than an institution to grow and learn. It’s an opportunity for like-minded individuals to come together and build a unique bond that will last a lifetime.

Isaiah 64:3

THOG Ministries is a wonderful place to minister, learn and grow. My colleagues are smart, kind, and supportive. The school is well organized and efficient. But what keeps me coming back are the wonderful students I get to teach and learn from every day. They are in the right hands, the hands of God.

Rev. Dr. Darryl Burton

New Testament Survey Instructor


Smart Classes

All classes are available online.

Practical Teaching

Easy to learn and understand the courses being taught.

Worldwide Access

Because the classes are online, you now have the opportunity to take advantage of The Hand of God Biblical Institute from anywhere.

10 Courses

The courses designed to prepare you for ministry as well as growth spiritually.

Student Alumni

THOG has an amazing alumni who support the school's mission and student body in every way.


Scholarships are available for those who qualify.

Request Admissions Info

If you have any questions regarding the classes that are offered, please drop us a note and one of our representatives will contact you.


The Hand of God Ministries Biblical Institute has made a profound impact in the Kingdom of God by equipping leaders with comprehensive biblical studies. Their commitment to high standards of academic integrity and theological education is truly inspiring. I am deeply grateful to be part of an institution that so effectively prepares this generation for the Lord's work.

Rev. Dr. Thomas Cotton

Introduction to Church Administration and Leadership

At a Glance

Years in exsistence
Bible courses available
Graduating classes.
Students who have crossed the stage.

Just a sample of what we have accomplished.

What are our students saying?

Because you deserve to be in His Hands

Enroll for a new admission on or before August 30th 2024.
Introduction to Sermon Preparation and Worship

THOG Ministries

Contact Us

 Upper Marlboro,  MD 20715                 240-123-1234

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